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A Proud Moment For Our Assistant Director of Ceremonies

On the Twentieth day of August 2018 (Written on the Certificate is recorded as being given in the 67th year in the reign if Queen Elizabeth II), our ADC. W. Bro. Richard Dedman was given the Freedom of the City of London at a ceremony held at the Guildhall in the heart if the City.
One of the oldest surviving traditional ceremonies still in existence today is the granting of the Freedom of the City of London. It is believed that the first Freedom was presented in 1237. 

This “Freedom” allows the holder to drive his sheep or livestock over London Bridge. These days this does not happen, although every so often a “Freeman” takes a few sheep over the Bridge as a gesture of the old times.    

The original reason for recognition of the “Freedom” was for farmers and livestock breeders who live on the South side of the Thames to take their Livestock to Smithfield and Spittlefield markets over London Bridge to sell them. Without this certificate you were not allowed to take livestock over the bridge. W. Bro. Dedman is seen holding his Certificate.
Today most of the practical reasons for obtaining the Freedom of the City have disappeared. It nevertheless remains as a unique part of London’s history to which many people who have lived or worked in the City have been proud to be admitted.

A very proud moment for Richard and he promised us that no sheep were hurt during the ceremony
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